jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Spain - Valencia 

I traveled  to Spain when I was five years old, my parents traveled first . I lived in Valencia until the 14 when  returned to Colombia, every year we came one month of vacation, for me it was the best.
I had the opportunity to meet many cities in Spain such as Barcelona, the Pyrenees, Madrid, Alicante.

Valencia is a very nice, big, clean, the people are very educated .
you have a variety of food to choose , but the typical food is paella.

Typical Music:flamenco
I never learned to dance this kind of music.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013


When I was thirteen years old. I performed a trip  with my parents, my grandparents and my sister to paris for five days, the second day we visited the city. 
In this picture I visited the Eiffel Tower, it was a great experience, It´s a high tower ,  when is the day and you look at the sky you have the feeling that the tower moves but really what moves are the clouds , the bad is that you have to do long lines to upload.

 In this picture we took a boat ride on a river that runs through the city and you can  know the monuments and important bridges of French culture, the boat trip drive three hours around the city.
This  was the first time I was in that country  I´am didn´t know what the weather was so cold so I need to buy s gloves and scarf because the temperature  was below zero 

My experience  with the food was not very good because most things were spicy and pasta just seemed to me.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Panama City
Panama it ´s a great city to buy things , you can fine a lot of articles really chipper.

Panama is a modern city, I call the little miami, has a lot of united states things , I found many things written and English, the climate varies morning is sunny and in the afternoon rains. 
It´s so crazy!
The city is full of buildings is difficult to find homes, a council is that when you travel to panama buy or rent a GPS because you  could spend hours  a lot of time  lost around the roads

 In this picture I was in chame beach.  I went there with my parents and a friend, the truth i felt bored because I figured a nice beach but it was  dirty and dark water, I heard that the beach is like that ,  because a lot of  ships arrive to the port and is a very commercial and industrialized country, where the waste is coming direct to the sea

In this photo I went  a typical restaurant panama, pI eat shrimp casserole, to my surprise this was the casserole, completely different from Colombia, the taste was strange, I did not like. The food prices are very expensive in this country.


I traveled to orlando city with my parents and my sister , when I was in Orlando I visited the Walt Disney World . Look the picture!

 Was a amazing experience , when the day ended I felt very tired because the park is so big , you need more than one day to know all the attractions and shows.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

When i had sexteen years old i traveled with my family to miami .
Were the best vacation of my life .Miami is a wonderful  city, the streets are very clean, there are a variety of restaurants, for my the most exciting were the malls , I became crazy when I saw so many stores.
 I suggest you visit:
2.South Beach
3.Dolphin Mall

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

This is my BLOG!  My name is Natalia Espinosa and this is my travel blog, I am eigtheen years old , I am studying economics and international buisiness at Icesi university .
I will talk about Spain , Miami , Florida , France , Panama and San Andres island.
I am goint to deepen in Spain-Valencia because i lived there ten years of my live.